Looking for COVID 19 Vaccines?
Unfortunately, there has been a lot of confusion with different states’ rollouts of vaccines. It has produced a lot of frustration for you, and for us as well, because we don’t have reliable information to share with you.
At this time, we regrettably have not received any information regarding when we might receive a supply of vaccines to distribute to our patients. Our best recommendation is for you to make sure that you are signed up on your state’s vaccination registration website, and plan to receive your vaccination according to your state’s plan.
Secondly, we found this link via NPR, which may be useful in your search.
Although we want you to receive your SARS CoV2 virus vaccine as soon as you are eligible, we do understand that the process of vaccinating everyone who wants a vaccination will require several months, so we are encouraging ourselves and the people we care about to be patient, and to continue distancing practices, especially wearing a well-fitting mask over your nose and mouth (two may be better than one to improve the fit!)
We are still able to provide you with other health maintenance services and vaccinations, including annual influenza vaccines and 10-year Tetanus boosters (Td or TDAP), so give us a call, or send a portal message if there is a vaccine you need or are not sure is up to date.
Dr.s Fuisz, Myers, Enelow and Mills
Washington Internists Group